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For more than 20 years I have been dealing with all kinds of slave. Each called itself "slave", and each Master, and everyone else, referred to each slave as "slave", even when there were vast differences between them.

The confusion arises because whenever anyone speaks about slaves, or about slavery, each is telling the truth about the kind of slavery that is being experienced even while each is talking about a different type of slave. Each is telling the truth of their own experience, but it is a different experience.

To the listener, what is heard appears to be conflicting information. When, in fact, what is being told is a story or a conclusion about something different from what another is speaking about.

I have observed through the many slaves with whom I have worked, three distinctly different types of slaves. It is extremely important to recognize that one type is not inherently better or worse than any other type. The best type is the type that is true, that is honest, that is in integrity with the one who is exploring it. All of us were created different. That, of course, is the fiber and texture of the world which prevents it from being boring. Not that anyone who is dealing with consensual, adult slavery has been bored with either the subject or the pursuit.

One of My created purposes is to help those considering slavery identify who they are, and whether the pursuit is genuine for them. It has been helpful to be able to quickly refer to a type of slave to facilitate clear thinking and efficient communication on the subject. That objective has led to naming the types of slave I have encountered. The title I have assigned to each is, of course, arbitrary. The point is simply to provide a consistent, quick reference.

The three type of slave that I have identified, and are now used as a part of My own reference are:

1. A Type Three (III) slave. Such a slave uses slavery has an alternative form of entertainment. In everyone's life there needs to be an activity which relieves the stress, the obligation, and the responsibility of everyday living. The more family, professional, or other commitments we have accepted, the more need there is for a time and place of release. Some use massage. Others go to a movie. Some meditate. And, there are those who arrange for a night or a weekend of being slave. The SM activity of slavery diverts the attention, focuses the thought, and frees the spirit temporarily, so peace and tranquility can be experienced. The experience prepares us for another day in the world that demands so much.

2. A Type Two (II) slave. For this kind of slave, slavery has a priority. There are many things that are important to its life, and slavery is among those things that matter a lot. The slave seeks a profession, recognizes and maintains its family responsibilities, and seeks and negotiates Master/slave relationships which are educational and fulfilling. Like the work the slave performs, each relationship might last for only a few weeks, or it might last the greater part of a lifetime. Also, like the work, the first relationship is seldom the last. There is growth, and personal clarity that comes from being Mastered by each different person. The slave chooses its Master, and is usually the one who makes the decision to end the Master/slave relationship. This is probably the most common type of slavery to which most are referring when slavery is spoken of, and the type with which most Masters associate.

3. A Type One (I) slave. This is a slave of destiny. For this type of slave, everything comes from the slavery. What profession, what spiritual practice or religion, what relationship, what family commitments, and what social connections are all a function of the slavery and performed as slave, for a spiritual purpose unique to that slave. This is the only type of slave who has an Owner who makes a permanent lifetime commitment to the slave who is a part of Him, regardless of where that slave lives, what relationship or profession the slave is in, or how often the slave is actually physically present.

A Type I slave is called a slave of destiny, because who the Owner is cannot be negotiated. Connecting to the Owner is like an orphaned child who is seeking its genetic father or mother. Who that parent is cannot be shopped for or negotiated. Who the Owner is was determined before the slave was conceived, as a part of the spiritual plan the slave spirit negotiated. A Type I slave may not live with its Owner, and when it has a Master, it is by assignment from the Owner.

It is conceivably possible that the same Person could be both Owner and Master, and admittedly, most Masters interchangeable refer to themselves as "Owner" and "Master", without distinction.

Since I only personally deal with Type I slaves, it has been important to Me to make a clear differentiation between "Master" and "Owner", to enable easy and clear communication.

Only the actual process of slave development can fully disclose and confirm the type of slave any one individual is designed to be. However, a method I have recommended to many is to close the eyes and imagine a life of only obeying, in every matter, in every way, without option. If that brings a feeling of peace and tranquility to the body, and maybe even physical pleasure, there is a clue found about the need to be owned. Similarly, if it brings stress and discomfort to the body, also notice that.

Whatever type of slave anyone is, the path to fulfillment is going to be through being honest and authentic to whatever type each is. The process, then, is one of discovery of the truth. When being slave is treated like a decision, instead of an adventure to uncover what is real, there is the danger of not doing that which is right for the individual. Believing the type of slave someone is, is a choice, implies that everything can work just as well either way, no matter what is decided. That's not the way it works, and not the way anyone I know has ever experienced it.

For most involved in modern consensual slavery, the pursuit of slavery is one of life's processes. As such, there are no cookie-cutter approaches, nor pat answers to anything. Even what appears to be true at any point in our life can change. Remember when we really believed in Santa Claus and the tooth faire? We acted in integrity, based on those beliefs, then moved past those beliefs to claim new beliefs.

The process of being slave, and becoming what you are will follow the same patterns of life that our other growth and development go through. Edison was destined to invent the light bulb. As a teenager, however, he didn't live his life accordingly. The reality and the implications of what he was to do later couldn't be implemented until that later time had arrived.

Be patient, be adventuresome, know that today's beliefs won't be tomorrow's beliefs. Life is not an academic pursuit, and even knowing the future won't allow us to skip the present. Pursue slavery accordingly. Examine today's truth and live according to that. Be open to tomorrow's truth, and let life change to adjust to the change in belief.

To all type of slaves, know that being slave is authentic, and legitimate. If your interest didn't serve some real purpose in your life, you wouldn't be questioning, reviewing, or examining the implications. The more accurate the thinking during this adventure, the more rewarding the results will be.

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