PATH OF THE OBEDIENT HEART - Our other site, the professions, events and community the BORN slaves serve and empower. Listings of events for all and any who are looking for the experiences of their life, for the growth of their life, and the search for happiness. Links to other sites where spiritual empowerment through experience is possible.
THE LEATHER JOURNAL - Home in Los Angeles. Both the on-line record and listing of future Leather events around the country and around the world. Creator and perpetuator of the Pantheon of Leather in New Orleans.
We are constantly seeking mutually linked sites like the ones above that are always described from our point of view, and then listed here with our recommendation.
Sites which have to do with slaves, slave forums, Master/slave families, Leather, SM, Spirituality, and other subjects related to what you have seen at this site are desired.
Please contact us through the COMMUNITIES page, or send your contact information to:
Thank you.